Monday, September 19, 2011

What is Chlorosis?

 Hello Again, and welcome to another adventure in my garden!
Today I would like to show you how my Navel Orange Tree is doing!
As you can see it's nice and green and it seems to have recovered from the bout of chlorosis it was suffering from. Chlorsis is a condition in plants where the iron in the solid is either not available or not existent so the plant cannot form the healthy green color, and will drop many leaves. Fixing that last time was simple, just add some iron in the from of Ironite and get the Ph of the soil around 6.0 and it perked right up! But now I have run into another snag!
 That's right! I have another problem with my orange tree! Once again It seems to be being attacked by some unknown force making it's leaves turn from the desirable dark green to a unhappy yellow orange color.

I am pretty sure this is just another kind of chlorsis, which saddens me because that means there is something in the solid that the roots keep tapping into and its causing this. I will probably have to remove the tree from the pot , and change out a very large portion of the soil for new solid.

I have already gone through twice the reccomended dose of Ironite, which should solve this problem, but it keeps coming back. So more drastic measures are to come.
I will document just how I go about fixing my fancy little tree in the future, but for now I will fertilize it with my pooch Kun Kun!
Aint he just so cute! Ok guys! come back soon and I'll reveal how I plan on fixing this tree and maybe have a Sunflower update!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Got Some Ripe Heirloom Tomatoes!

Hello All!
Today is me showing off what tomatoes I have picked, and what a common problem is with tomatoes, and how to deal with it.

Let me see what I can show you today! I got a nice little tomato harvest! So lets show off what I got!

Here is one of my Favorite that I have grown. These make me happy! They got nice and big, but they were not as numerous as I had hoped for. So sad, but they are GREAT on my Burgers! Yummy! Care to guess what kind of tomato?
Nope! Nice try, but its a Black Pineapple ! Or if you could read the smaller print on the label it also goes by Belgium Beefsteak. Those silly Belgians.

 I got another fun thing from my garden! These things are great, and because they are not a pure variety they are bigger then what they should be. These things are like weeds, they pop up everywhere the year after you grow them. They are about the size of those Huge grapes with seeds, care to guess what they are called?

YUP! Cherry Tomatoes! They things are funny little things, they are very good in salads, or nice when boiled down to a great sauce! Just a bit of straining the results because of the seeds and skin, but it's well worth the effort!
 But a word of caution. For those of you out there who think gardening is all fun and games, well I have an example for you to change your mind! The picture to the left is a prime example of what you should expect to happen if you are not ever vigilant! What happened you ask? Well I'll tell you! It's the BIRDS! you see birds are animals that are not constrained by the confines of something like a fence so they have free access to those lush green and red veggies. So watch out for them birds, they will eat you out of house and home!
Ok, on a more serious note, they birds do get some of your fruits, but they typically will not get more then three or four. So they typically do not pose a big problem. But if you have this happen you know what it is now. If you have more then the usual tomatoes being eaten you can do many things to deter the birds.

1. Hang CD's and other shiny things around your plants
2. Stuffed or Fake cat to scare the birds, or the fake Barn Owl
3. Get a real Cat.
4. If these don't work, or you don't want a cat, then just post a question for further help, I'd be happy to help.

OK! thank you everybody for the reads! and Come back next time , I'll show you what happens when your summer garden starts to wind down for the winter!

Monday, September 12, 2011

What Is and Heirloom Tomato?

 Hey everbody, I know I have been away for some time, but I'm Back! I have had a few things going on, like a mix of school starting, my phone dying, my boss leaving so I had to run the shop, and a few other things. But enough with my excuses , I'm here to show off the stuff growing from my garden!
First, Let me define a word for you that I will be using . Heirloom: (in the context I'm using it) A tomato that is the same since or before the 1940's . So if you took one of these tomatos and time traveled back to the 1940s and compared it to one from then it would be almost the exact same thing! This is only important because some people have created these varieties for their taste , size and appearance, and have kept them pure, so they are the classics, where as the new genetically altered stuff nowdays might grow better but they typically dont have the same character ore appeal.

Now on to what I have been doing!

Here we see a Tomato, the pic above being one week prior to the picture to the left. As you can see this tomato is not a normal tomato, and if you care to guess at the name then do so now before scrolling down.  It is of the Heirloom variety
 That's right! It's a Black Krim! These babies are so good! and the strange thing is they almost always split. If you look at the above photo you see the split in the tomato, that is usually from over watering when the tomatoes is fully grown. Over waterting forces the plant to drink more water and it "pops" the tomatoes on the plant, but this variety is weird in that it pops all on its own.
Next up is a Non Heirloom Variety, and again I will show you the progression of the ripeness of the tomato. As you can see it's typical in ripening, starting green and gradually working it's way down to bright red!

 Well now, if you would like to guess at the name I'll give you a hint , the name does not really describe the size of the tomatoes shown, however the color is a better way of describing it.
This one is ripe an ready to be picked!
That's right! You guessed it, it's a Watermelon Beefsteak Tomato!  Now look again at the wonderful color scheme, can you see the cool watermelon like coloring! So cool. Although it does not taste like a watermelon, it was still great on my turkey sandwich!
Then to end on a bright note, my sunflowers are doing wonderfully! They are however more droopy then I would like, probably a lack of nitrogen, but That's just fine. They are doing what I wanted them to , attract the bees for my tomatoes!
Ok guys Thanks again for reading, and putting up with my absence, My next blog will cover two more tomatoes I have been growing! So come back again soon!